We all know how important it is to look after ourselves and our friends on a night out. In Plymouth we're lucky to have other organisations in the city centre who can help if you're feeling unsafe or unwell.
Bar and other venue staff will help and support you if you need it, just ask for help.
Plymouth operates a Pubwatch scheme that includes over 100 licenced venues in the central part of city, including Mutley Plain. The network of licensees work closely together with the police to keep customers safe. Pubwatch members share information relating to those who cause trouble in their establishments which might include anti-social behaviour, drugs and weapon possession, threatening or violent behaviour.
Members may ban people from individual premises or give a full ban across all Pubwatch premises for periods of up to five years.

Plymouth Night Patrol
Plymouth University student volunteers provide medical and safeguarding help in the night-time economy on a Wednesday, Friday and Saturday night during the university term to students across the city.
Plymouth Night Patrol welcomes volunteers from a range of backgrounds with members come from all across the university faculties and subjects, not just student healthcare professionals.
Find out more about Plymouth Night Patrol and how you could volunteer to help your community.
Ask for Angela
The 'Ask for Angela' scheme allow anyone, male or female, gay, straight or otherwise who may be feeling threatened or unsafe while on a date, to approach the bar to seek help by asking for 'Angela'. Trained staff will then assist.
Staff will then call a cab, contact a friend or relative to collect them, or ask the individual causing the distress to leave the premises - helping the customer concerned to stay safe.
Posters advertising the scheme can be seen in participating venues.
Taxi and evening and night time economy marshals
Evening and night time economy marshals and taxi marshals operate in the city to keep people safe.
They are linked to the city’s CCTV control centre by radio which helps them respond quickly to incident. The marshals safeguard vulnerable members of the public and help them to get home safely or refer them to other agencies, like the police, ambulance service, or hospital.
Spike Aware
Police work closely with establishments and partners to reduce and react to reports of drink spiking incidents. If you are out in pubs and clubs and suspect that your drink has been tampered or if someone feels unwell and think that their drink has been spiked in some way, you are encouraged to report this to bar/door staff.
Look out for #SpikeAware posters - all Best Bar None accredited and Pubwatch venues have access to drink-testing kits and can contact police.

Return home plan
Before you go out, think about how you are going to get back to your accommodation. Taxis can get busy late at night. Know your full address and postcode to help locate your student accommodation.
Plymouth SafeBus is located in the Royal Parade, City Centre. It provides welfare and medical support.
The SafeBus is staffed with paramedics and/or medically trained staff who can provide first aid and assessment. It's also a place where you can get assistance to charge your phone, meet up with friends, and is a safe space to wait to be picked up by taxi.

Best Bar None
Venues with a Best Bar None (BBN) accreditation have been independently assessed to a high standard. Look for the BBN logo to see if a venue is accredited.
- Venues are checked annually by an independent assessor to ensure they meet specific standards related to safe operations and responsible management.
- They are venues who put responsible drinking and welfare first.
- They have demonstrated a higher duty of care than the legal requirement.
- Many of the staff at these venues have attended training on how to help vulnerable people.
- Many of these venues have trained staff in Ask for Angela awareness.
- Many of these venues are #SpikeAware and have drink testing kits and awareness.
Plymouth Street Pastors
Pastors provide welfare support on Saturday nights to people in the evening and night time economy.
The support they can give you ranges from providing flipflops and blankets, first aid or support, water, and - of course - kindness and a listening ear to those in need.