The Bournemouth Campus Policing Team are responsible for community policing for Bournemouth University and Arts University Bournemouth. They can be seen patrolling the two universities’ campuses on a regular basis so please feel free to stop them for a chat.
The campus policing team also work very closely with other neighbourhood policing teams in Winton, Charminster and Lansdowne because they cover the areas where the majority of the town’s students live and spend their time.
Stations, contact points and offices
Bournemouth Enquiries and Custody Building is the local station for Bournemouth University. This is located on Madeira Road, BH1 1QL.
On the team

Meetings and events
Our priorities
Priority: Violence and sexual offences
Identified through crime recording and linked to national priorities to tackle Violence Against Women and Girls. Violence and sexual offences are often linked to the Night Time Economy nationally we are working closely with partners including TownWatch, licensing, ASB Team and Street Pastors to improve safety in the night time economy. We are relaunching the SafeBus for 2023 with a new vehicle and enhanced hours of service as well as working with TownWatch to promote safety in the bars and clubs.
Issued 01 April 2023
Action taken: No update available
Actioned 01 October 2023
Priority: Drug dealing and substance abuse
Raised by the Community through the Local Priority Surveys. This issue can be linked to all other crimes and ASB in the area, and therefore causes harm not only to the individual but also to the wider community. We will work with our partners to identify how we can best tackle drug and alcohol misuse; reviewing and learning from our experience; assisting our specialist teams with warrants to target those dealing drugs and working with the Safer Schools teams to deliver advice and support in schools on this issue. We run dedicated operations in key areas to target drug dealers and users – Operation Viper tackles County Lines Drug gangs and Operation Searchlight targets overt street drug dealing. We also work with local services supporting adults and young people who want personal support out of addiction.
Issued 01 April 2023
Action taken: No update available
Actioned 01 October 2023
Priority: Anti-social behaviour
Raised by the Community through the Local Priority Surveys. We consistently see more ASB attributed to adults, so our focus is on those areas of ASB affecting our communities from Aggressive begging & Street Addiction to Night Time Economy related ASB. However as the weather improves we are seeing a growing trend of youth ASB in the Gardens, Square & Old Christchurch Road. We are working closely with the other Bournemouth Christchurch & Poole NPTs as well as the local authority Youth Team to tackle all issues relating to youth ASB through the use of dispersal legislation and the community consequence scheme. We are also building towards the Summer and developing our strategies around seasonal policing to support seasonal events; large events such as Summer live.
Issued 01 April 2023
Action taken: No update available
Actioned 01 October 2023