
Addiction can happen at any age and it is important to talk to a medical professional about it. Visiting a GP would be a good first step. They will be able to recommend recovery units and organisations who can offer further help and support. It is not only illegal drugs that people can become addicted to - some people can become dependent on certain medication, such as painkillers and antidepressants.

There are lots of other sources of information and help available.

Drugs are not only dangerous, but possession and supply are also illegal. If you are caught in possession of illegal drugs, such as cannabis, speed or ecstasy, you may be cautioned or arrested.

Convictions or cautions for drug-related offences can have serious implications for your future, including job prospects and your ability to travel to other countries.

Using illegal substances can also be dangerous. All drugs affect people in different ways and there is no guarantee that what you take is really what you think it is – you won’t necessarily know the effects it will have on your body.

Each time you take illegal drugs, you put yourself at risk. No drug is 100% safe and anything you put into your body could have lasting effects.
