Young adults 15 - 19

An illustration of a group of older teens

The 'Best Night Ever'

Parties and nights out

You are likely to talk about parties and nights out long before and after they happen and they could be some of the best nights ever.

Sometimes, things can go wrong and you could find yourself in a situation out of your control that you had not planned for.

There are things you can do to make sure your big night out is a great night out.

Start and end the night right

  • Make sure you have a lift home with a responsible person you trust.  If you are getting a taxi make sure it is a licensed taxi, you have pre-booked or have a number ready and the money to pay.
  • Keep your mobile with you at all times.
  • Remember, in the UK, it is illegal to buy alcohol or drink alcohol in licensed premises if you are under 18. If you do decide to drink, don’t be tempted to drink too much alcohol before going, set yourself a limit and stick to it.
  • Stay with your friends and look after each other.

Getting the night talked about for the right reasons

  • Trust your own judgement.  Don’t let your friends sway you into doing anything you don’t want to do.
  • If you are not having a good time or feel uncomfortable call someone you trust to pick you up.
  • You don’t have to drink to have a good time.
  • Remember, alcohol can blur your judgement.

Make sure your big night is a great night out

  • Just because your friends may be having sex doesn’t mean you have to. It is illegal for anyone under the age of 16 to have sex (boys and girls).
  • You can change your mind, if you start having sexual contact and then want to stop, this is okay and you are not a tease.
  • Having sex once, doesn’t mean you have to have it again, and it doesn’t mean you have to have sex in every relationship.
  • Remember there are #NoBlurredLines. If you say no, they should respect this and stop, if they don't it could be rape or at the very least sexual assault.

Help and advice

If you require immediate assistance, call 999.

Or for help and advice call 101 or visit your local police station

The law

It is illegal for anyone under the age of 16 to have sex (boys and girls)

Sex without consent is RAPE.

RAPE is illegal.
